Search page (Ctrl+F) for any of the below key words to find videos that refer to each topic referred to by the key words.

Keywords in Gravity

Black holes, Newton, Einstein, General Relativity, Michaelson Morley, Extra dimensions, Holographic, MOND, Dark Matter

Watch the video of Dr. Starkman’s 10/31/2012 lecture here:
“Black Holes From A to Z (but missing alot in between)”

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Keywords: Black holes

Watch the video of Dr. Gates’ 10/24/2012 lecture:
“Gravitational Lensing”

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Keywords: Dark matter

Watch the Video of Dr. McGaugh 9/25/2013 lecture:
“Questioning Newton and Einstein: The Case for Modifying Our Current Understand of Gravity”

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Keywords: Newton, Einstein, MOND

Watch the Video of Dr. De Rham’s 10/2/2013 lecture:
“Questioning Newton and Einstein: Gravity and Extra Dimensions”

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Keywords: General Relativity, Newton, Einstein, Extra dimensions

Watch the Video of Dr. Tolley’s 10/9/2013 lecture:
“Questioning Newton and Einstein: Black Holes and Holographic World”

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Keywords: Black holes, Newton, Einstein, Holographic

De Rham on Physics.10/27/15 Claudia De Rham “Testing General Relativity”

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Keywords: General relativity, Newton, Einstein

Gates on Physics. 11/17/15 Evalyn Gates “Einstein’s Telescope”

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Keywords: Gravity, Dark Matter, Einstein

Tolley on Physcis. 10/20/15  Andrew Tolley “From Newtonian Gravity to Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity”
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Keywords: General Relativity, Newton, Einstein