Origins has moved its public programs online!
Join us on Zoom for…
Life, the Universe and Hot Dogs
Thursdays, 7:30pm.
Origins Science Scholars
Tuesdays, 6pm (April 12 through May 24, 2022)
Check our FaceBook page frequently for
updates on the Life, the Universe and Hot Dogs “Happy Dog” talks
Current Schedule
(subject to revision, so check back frequently for changes and additions! Videos for many talks will be posted)
Origins Online Season 3
Feb 24 LUH
Emmitt Jolly
“George Washington Carver and His Legacy to Science”
On zoom:
No Registration needed, just tune in to the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 957 7399 0549
Passcode: 000000
March 3 Chris Cullis LUH
“Climate Change, Soil, Microbes and Plant Growth – how does marama manage?”
On zoom:
No Registration needed, just tune in to the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 957 7399 0549
Passcode: 000000
The amazing story of the seemingly magic marama bean that grows without fixing nitrogen and on virtually no water or soil -in the sand in the desert! As the climate changes it could be in our future… We’ll hope it’s tasty!
Life, the Universe, and Hot Dogs is brought to you by the Happy Dog Bar, and CWRU’s Institute for the Science oF Origins.