Distinguished Kenyan paleoanthropologist Isaiah Nengo to speak!
We hear a fair amount about human evolution around here, but not a whole lot is known about the prior radiation of ape species that made our own lineage possible. Dr Nengo will fill us in on the latest findings on Thurs (for the general public) & Fri (a more technical talk):
“Empire of the Apes! the African roots of ape and human lineages”
Thurs Feb 23 Happy Dog at the Euclid Tavern, 7pm
Thurs Feb 23 Happy Dog at the Euclid Tavern, 7pm
“Ape Origins: new fossil finds from the early Miocene sites of Buluk and Songhor, Kenya”
Fri Feb 24 CWRU, Tomlinson Hall, room 135, Noon
“Ape Origins: new fossil finds from the early Miocene sites of Buluk and Songhor, Kenya”
Fri Feb 24 CWRU, Tomlinson Hall, room 135, Noon
He will also speak to Cleveland freethinkers on Sun Feb 26 at the Independence Library 2:30pm
“Variation and branching order: How evolutionary concepts drive individual behavior, public policy, and social organization in America today.” (sponsored by Cleveland Freethinkers)
“Variation and branching order: How evolutionary concepts drive individual behavior, public policy, and social organization in America today.” (sponsored by Cleveland Freethinkers)