The Institute for the Science of Origins videos from the Fall 2016 season of the Origins Science Scholars Program
During this unique program, members of the community engage with each other and with leading scholars of origins science to investigate cosmology, evolution, and other topics in the science of origins. Each evening begins with a presentation by a world-class researcher, followed by dinner and open discussion among all the participants.
Watch videos from other semesters of the Origins Science Scholars Series
Watch the Video of Dr. Cullis’s 9-27-16 lecture:
“A Multitude of Food: The Origin, Evolution, and Diversity of Crops”

Watch the Video of Dr. Cullis’s 10-4-16 lecture:
“From Crude to Food: GMOs vs the Old-Fashioned Way to Develop New Crops”

Watch the Video of Dr. Burns’s 10-18-16 lecture:
“From Rude to Food: Plant-Soil Interactions, Invasive Species, and the Food Supply” |
Watch the Video of Dr. Wade’s 10-25-16 lecture:
“Listening with Lasers for Ripples in the Fabric of Spacetime” |
Watch the Video of Dr. Wade’s 11-1-16 lecture:
“When Black Holes Collide” |
Watch the Video of Dr. Giblin’s 11-8-16 lecture:
“The Future of Gravity: A New Window on the Universe, a New Window on Us” |
Watch the Video of Dr. Ryan’s 11-15-16 lecture:
“Dinosaur Horns, Hooks, & Frills: Rapid Evolution in the Late Cretaceous” |