The Institute for the Science of Origins videos from the fifth season of the Origins Science Scholars Program

During this unique program, members of the community engage with each other and with leading scholars of origins science to investigate cosmology, evolution, and other topics in the science of origins. Each evening begins with a presentation by a world-class researcher, followed by dinner and open discussion among all the participants. Below are videos of the spring 2012 program.

Watch videos from other semesters of the Origins Science Scholars Series



Watch the video of Dr. Van Orman’s 10/3/2012 lecture:
“How to Build a Planet Fit for Life”Screen Shot 2016-05-03 at 3.09.07 PM
Watch the video of Dr. Saylor’s 10/10/2012 lecture here:
“The Forces That Shape Our World”Screen Shot 2016-05-03 at 3.10.26 PM
Watch the video of Drs. Saylor and Van Orman’s 10/17/2012 lecture here:
“Plate Tectonics, Climate and Volcanoes”Screen Shot 2016-05-03 at 3.11.28 PM
Watch the video of Dr. Gates’ 10/24/2012 lecture:
“Gravitational Lensing”Screen Shot 2016-05-03 at 3.12.15 PM
Watch the video of Dr. Starkman’s 10/31/2012 lecture here:
“Black Holes From A to Z (but missing alot in between)”Screen Shot 2016-05-03 at 3.13.34 PM